How to Sync and Group Strobe Lights
Adding strobe lights to a vehicle can greatly improve its visibility, which helps to keep you and everyone else on the road safe. Syncing and grouping lights together is a simple step that will make your lights look professional.
Each light needs to be supplied with power, this simply means that the positive and negative wires need to be attached to the positive and negative wires coming from the vehicle. This will turn the lights on and have them operating in their default flash pattern.
Change the Flash Pattern
To change the flash pattern you’ll need to apply power to the pattern select wire. Here it’s important to know whether your light is positive or negative trigger. If positive trigger apply the pattern select wire to the positive wire, if negative trigger apply to the negative wire. Just repeat this process until you’ve found the pattern you want then cap of the pattern select wire and the light is ready to mount.
For more control, you can connect your lights to a control switch like the AMSB-2M-PT. Simply connect your wire to the switch and with the push of a button you can turn the lights on and off and change patterns from the comfort of the driver’s seat.
Since you’ll likely be installing more than one light at a time it’s important to make sure that all the lights are synced together. Syncing the lights makes sure that they’re communicating with each other and all flashing in unison, making a clear pattern that improves visibility and looks more professional.
To sync the lights all you will need to do is attach the sync wires of each light together. For most lights, simply attaching these wires is all that you will need to do. Some lights require each light to be set to the same pattern in order to properly sync, be sure to check your owners manual to be sure.
While synced lights look great, grouping them will take the look of your vehicle to the next level.
Some lights, like the P-STRB series, allow grouping of lights together. Groups allow lights to alternate flashes between the groups.To select group, power light and sync light simultaneously (this should flash once to show it is in group one) then remove sync light while maintaining power to red wire. To set to group 2, reapply power to the sync light. It should now flash twice to show that it is in group 2. Wire ALL GROUPS together so groups 1 and 2 will alternate.
Once your lights are synced and groups together as you want, they’re ready to be mounted on your vehicle. Check out all of the amazing strobe lights available now on our site.