Correlated Color Temperature is the hue, or tint of white to expect from a light source and is measured in kelvin. Lower numbers give off a warmer white that is closer to candle light, and is good for relaxed and cozy spaces. Higher numbers give off a cooler white light that will appear more blueish. While values to the middle of the spectrum give off a more neutral or natural white light that is similar to daylight. Natural and cool white are considered ideal for task lighting.
330 lm
The brightness of a product in relation to the 27 results.
This Product
330 lm
Brightest Product in Results
580 lm
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10-30 VDC
1.4 Watts, 2.75 Watts, 2.8 Watts
Power consumption is measured in watts, which indicates the amount of energy used by the light source. LEDs are highly energy-efficient, consuming significantly less power compared to traditional incandescent, halogen, metal halide, or fluorescent lights while providing the same level of brightness. Lower wattage in LED lights translates to reduced electricity bills and less environmental impact.
Super Bright LEDs, Inc. offers a 2-year warranty to protect against manufacturer defects and malfunctions. If you experience failure of an LED or other component not caused by negligence, abuse, unauthorized repair or disassembly, we will replace the product within the warranty period. In the case the exact product is no longer available, a gift card for the value of the original purchase price will be provided. Super Bright LEDs administers all warranty claims in-house. Read More
Super Bright LEDs, Inc. offers a 3-year warranty to protect against manufacturer defects and malfunctions. If you experience failure of an LED or other component not caused by negligence, abuse, unauthorized repair or disassembly, we will replace the product within the warranty period. In the case the exact product is no longer available, a gift card for the value of the original purchase price will be provided. Super Bright LEDs administers all warranty claims in-house. Read More