Get crafty this Halloween! We’ve put together some Halloween crafts that you can do with submersible color-changing LED tea lights and things you probably have lying around the house. These simple tea light crafts make great projects to do in the classroom, at home with your kids, or just because you’re feeling festive. Turn up the creativity, turn down the lights, and watch your spooky creations glow.
Gloomy Ghost

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Light
Mason Jar
Ping Pong Ball
Permanent Marker
Knife or Scissors
You’ve heard about pet rocks or catching caterpillars in a jar, but have you ever caught a ghost? It’s simple to do, really! With the materials listed above, you can make your very own pet ghost. Cut an X in a ping pong ball, and stick the tip of a tea light in the slot you created. Draw a face on your ghost, cover him with gauze, and place him in a jar. Use gauze and twine to seal the top of the jar.

Scary Spider Pumpkin

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Light
Mini Pumpkin
Spider Decoration or Black Pipe Cleaners for Legs
Googly Eyes
Super Glue
Knife or Pumpkin Carving Tool
This Halloween craft shows you how to turn ordinary spider decorations into pumpkin spider candles! You could glue craft pipe cleaners onto a small pumpkin as legs, but I opted for a dollar store spider decoration. All I did was remove the spider’s body from its legs and place a small pumpkin in its place. Cut a hole in the top of the pumpkin for the tea light, glue on some googly eyes, and wallah—you’ve created a glowing pumpkin spider!

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Light
Halloween Craft Fabric or Gauze
Googly Eyes
Super Glue
Using a color-changing LED tea light, mason jar, and some dollar store mummy fabric, googly eyes, and glue, you can easily make a glowing mummy. Cut enough fabric to cover the jar, and glue the fabric together. For more of a tattered look, glue on separate strips of fabric. Add some googly eyes, and drop in the LED tea light to watch him glow.

Freaky Frankenstein

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Light
Milk Jug
Black Fabric or Construction Paper
Permanent Marker
Super Glue
Transform an old milk jug into a freaky Frankenstein! This Halloween craft takes about 10 minutes. Draw his face with a permanent marker, cut his hairline out of a piece of black felt or construction paper, and glue it above his eyes. Drop in an LED tea light, and set him on your front porch for trick-or-treaters to enjoy. These tea lights are submersible, so it’s ok if rain fills the jug.

Spooky Skull in a Jar

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Light
Skull Decoration
Mason Jar
This Halloween, create your own preserved skull. Find a skull head prop large enough for your submersible LED tea light (I found one at the dollar store that was perfect for this project). Cut a hole in the back of the skull’s head, and drill eye holes. Pop in an LED tea light, place the skull in a jar, fill it with water, and enjoy

Festive Floating Apples

Submersible Color-Changing LED Tea Lights
These floating apples are the perfect Halloween party or fall decoration, and they’re super simple to make. Find a container to hold the apples and water. Check a dollar store; that’s where the one in this video was purchased. Trace around your submersible LED tea light on the top of several apples. Cut holes in the apples, and scoop out the insides with a spoon. Make sure you do a little extra carving inside the apples so that there’s more of a flat surface to set your tea light on. Place each tea light in an apple, and gently set the apples in your container of water. You can mix in uncarved apples as well.